Introducing..... Chloe

Introducing..... Chloe

Project for crop

Project for crop

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tues. 6-16-09

Hi guys. OMG Did I ever score big today. Wow. Last night I was going to order the silicone mat and the impressions pad for my bigshot so I can put impressions on my cards and letters. I figured it would be at least 415 to get them to my door if I ordered them. Well.. today after work we had to go to BG so I asked Ray to drop me off at JoAnns. Guess what?! They have all their die cutting machine stuff at40% off. And guess what they just happened to have!? I got the silicone mat, the impressions pad ...and.... 6 different impressions for $12.77. Is that great or what? Well I just had to share because I am so excited about that. Later Gater

Monday, June 15, 2009


Hi everyone. I can't believe its the middle of June already. Just think 6 months and 10 days till Christmas and we all know thats my favorite time of the year!!! So I still can't figure out how to get pictures up here yet.Grr. One of these days I will surprise you, haha even myself more than that.I had a great weekend. We went to Nicks game on Saturday. And let me just say he is an AWESOME ball player!!! Went to lunch with mom, dad and Mandy in Wayne. Then we came home tried to take a little nap(yeh right, whats a nap?) Then went to Rossford so Mandy could shop for TV's. After that we had the experience no one ever wants to have(well not us anyway). OMG!! We were going to Toledo to pick up some things Ray got from Craigs list. Well, this kid wasn't just selling batman stuff...Oh no and we think he got us mixed up with somebody he made another deal with. He thought we were there for something else. I don't ever want to do that again. Just so you all know, that's a VERY scarey situation to be in!!! On Sunday we had the whole day to ourselves. I laid in the sun for a bit. Did laundry and hung clothes out to dry. I even got to partially clean my scrapcave. I can almost work in here again. That is if I would stay off my computer long enough. Anyway, it was a beautiful weekend. And I'm looking foreward to the next one. Bye all