Introducing..... Chloe

Introducing..... Chloe

Project for crop

Project for crop

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy National Scrapbooking Day

Hi all my crafty, scrapbooking friends. Just want to say It's our day!! So how are you celebrating? Kathey and I had our NSD event last Saturday. It was a blast, I might add. I am going to try to do some of MyPinkStampers challenges today. I'm getting a later start but at least I'm starting. hehehe. Gotta get busy. Bye all!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chloe in her new bed.

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Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

WooHoo! I just won a

WooHoo! I just won a cricut expression.It was the last prize for the weekend. WooHoo!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Well here it is Christmas Eve morning 2010. It's 8:45 a.m. and in 2 hours and 15 minutes I get to go pick up my new baby girl. YEA!! My little yorkie that Ray is getting me for Christmas. Yeh, I'm just a little excited. hehehe I wanted to let everyone know that for the project for the crop I used all Creative Memories products except for the coaster and the hemp. It was a fun project to work on I used the cheerfull seasons cricut cart. from cm for the font and the snowflakes and I used the cm chalking ink to tone down the color of the letters. They were a bit too bright for my liking. Both papers, yep you guessed it cm also. Well gotta go get ready to go pick up our new addition to the family.I will post pictures later. Merry Christmas Eve everyone.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Here it is Sunday already

Good morning everyone. I've had a very nice weekend so far. Yesterday I actually got to spend some time with my ole bestie Tammy. We started off by going to Panera for a bagel, juice and coffee. It was so nice to spend some time with her and catch up on things. After that we headed to Perrysburg to go to Kohls, then off to Meijer to mail some pkgs. Oh my goodness the traffic was terrible over there. I finally bought a down comforter for our bed at Kohls. They were having some awesome sales. It was a good day. So this morning (Sunday)I got up rather early to let Tinker Bell out. So I stayed up and made some Chex mix, wrapped presents and made puppy chow. Mmm and it's all good. I'm so excited, five more days and I get my Christmas present from Ray which is my puppy. I'm really leaning towards Chloe for her name. Mainly because that's a name that I really like. I can't wait to get my new little bundle of joy. I hope she is going to be happy here. I miss Mickey so much!!! Have I mentioned before that Mandy had a canvas portrait done of Mickey for me for my birthday? They brought it out the other night. She had Marlene Barrett do it for me. She's the lady that painted Gunner for Craig to give to mandy. She does awesome work. It's from a picture I took of him years ago. OMG!! It's beautiful. Talk about holding back tears...It looks just like him. It's awesome. What a surprise when I opened the box!! I will try to take a picture and post at some point. I really want to get a frame made for it first so I can get it put up. Gonna go see what I can get in to now. ttfn

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tinker Bell in her new panties.

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Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.

Saturday, December 4, 2010