Introducing..... Chloe

Introducing..... Chloe

Project for crop

Project for crop

Saturday, November 20, 2010

It's my birthday!!

Our company has arrived. YEA!! Andy , Andrew and Austin came up for a visit. We are so happy to see them. I think Ray and Andy are resting their eyes so I snuck off to my scrapcave. I gotta say I don't look forward to birthdays so much anymore. Not like I used to. Isn't it funny how those things change? Well here's the update on my gypsy, I got all the free uploads put on. And I even put one of my own cart's on it(speaking of fall). I'm a little nervous about doing that. I'm o afraid I am going to lose my gypsy or it's going to break and then I can't upload them again, only one time. Then I watched Emma's video's and tried to weld my name. Key word here is "tried". I think maybe I should have listened a little better about the welding part because I ended up with bits n pieces. Oops!! I think I will watch the welding part again. heheheI got my sleeve and screen protectors and stylus' that I ordered. I'm glad I got the black n white sleeve. Ray is getting me the black n white polka dot bag for my expression for my birthday. Hopefully it comes today. Not that I need it to go anywhere anytime soon. No crops on the books till after the holidays. I just got a package in the mail and it was the shoulder bag for gypsy girl. That will be nice to keep everything in. Especially in this mess that I call my scrapcave.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My new Gypsy and Benefit for Weston Legion Post 409

Hey everyone. I have had the best week. First of was running a great sale so I actually ordered a Gypsy, something I didn't really want until I saw what Emma does with hers. She is awesome. So I ordered that Wed. morning, then on Thursday we went to the TSO concert at Hunington Center in Toledo. It was more than AWESOME!!! We met Toni Brown and her daughter Teresa and a friend at Spaghetti Warehouse at 5:30 had a really good supper then went to the concert. Ray and I had put in for a vacation day on Friday but at the last minute Randy asked Ray to come in because Grunt had an appt. and wouldn't be there to take his place. Grrr I stayed home anyway to get ready for Saturdays scrapbooking at the Legion. My Gypsy came in the mail on Friday, now what to do with it? That's the $100 question. Friday night I took my stuff up to the Legion to set up. You see I'm having a benefit crop for the Legion. All the profits from registrations is going to them. I have 11 people registered including, Amber, Ann, Kim, Cindy, Terri, Sunshine, Addy, Scarlet, Emilia, Melissa Davis Yates, and myself. Unfortunately Cindy got sick and couldn't come(missed you Cindy). I had a project with coasters for everyone to do and goody bags for all. For the two little girls I also put a princes pez dispenser in their bag. It was a great time and I think the legion appreciated it. Thanks go out to all who participated. So today what am I doing? Trying to figure out how to put the other 5 free cart. downloads on the Gypsy. I figured out the first two but that's all I got for now. Have a great rest of the weekend. It's kind of chilly here today but the last two days were beautiful. Enjoy!! Oh and Happy scrappin'